Last month magistrates in East Lancashire had to deal with an array of different offenders for a multitude of various offences, ranging from 'knifepoint robberies' to football hooligans.

Hundreds of people attend the magistrates' courts every month, and February was no different, with district judges dishing out punishments which included community orders, fines, and in some cases, jail time.

Here's our round up of all the cases we covered at the magistrates in February 2024: 

Lancashire Telegraph: The Mill Hill shopThe Mill Hill shop (Image: Google Maps)

Teenage boys in court over 'knifepoint robbery' at shop

Two teenagers appeared before Blackburn magistrates charged with knifepoint robbery at a Mill Hill convenience store.

One of them is also charged with robbery at the same shop on New Wellington Street in October.

The boys, one aged 17 and the other 16, were remanded on bail to appear before the youth court sitting at Preston Magistrates on February 6.

The 17 year old is charged with two offences of robbery and two of possessing a knife in New Wellington Street. The 16 year old faces one charge of robbery and one of possessing a knife.

Full story here: Teenage boys in court over 'knifepoint robbery' at shop

Lancashire Telegraph: Blackburn Magistrates Blackburn Magistrates (Image: NQ Staff)

Man jailed for breaching restraining order to help out mum

A man has been jailed for helping his mum look after her four grandchildren while his sister was on holiday.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard Robert Norris was banned from attending his mother’s home by a restraining order.

When police attended her address they found him in the kitchen cooking pasta for his nieces and nephews.

Norris, 42, of Marsden Hall Road, Nelson, pleaded guilty to breach of a restraining order imposed in March 2023.

He was jailed for eight weeks.

Full story here: Man jailed for breaching restraining order to help out mum

Lancashire Telegraph: Blackburn Magistrates Blackburn Magistrates (Image: NQ Staff)

Man used homophobic language towards couple in Crawshawbooth

A man assaulted and shouted homophobic threats and abuse at his neighbour and his partner.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard Matthew Wilson also shouted abuse at another neighbour who tried to calm the situation.

Wilson, 31, of Parrock Street, Crawshawbooth, pleaded guilty to assault and three charges of using threatening behaviour.

He was made subject to an 18-month community order with a six months alcohol treatment requirement and a 12-week curfew.

Full story here: Man used homophobic language towards couple in Crawshawbooth

Lancashire Telegraph: Blackburn Magistrates Blackburn Magistrates (Image: Archive)

Blackburn drink driver had vodka bottles in footwell

A disqualified driver was caught behind the wheel by police while nearly three times the drink drive limit.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard when police stopped the car, driven by Hasan Khan, there were empty vodka bottles in the passenger well on September 1.

Khan, 25, of Naarian Court, Blackburn, admitted to driving with excess alcohol, while disqualified and without insurance.

He was jailed for 12 weeks and banned from driving for 46 months.

Full story here: Blackburn drink driver had vodka bottles in footwell

Lancashire Telegraph: Cheryl Patfield was FIVE times the drink drive limitCheryl Patfield was FIVE times the drink drive limit (Image: Archive)

Clitheroe drink driver was found 'unconscious' in car

Police were called after a member of the public saw a woman in the driving seat of a car apparently unconscious.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard when police arrived it took three officers to remove Cheryl Patfield from the vehicle.

When she was breathalysed she failed to give a full sample, but one partial sample gave a reading of 183 micrograms of alcohol per 100ml of breath, more than five times the legal limit of 35mcg.

Patfield, 47, of West Bradford Road, Clitheroe, pleaded guilty to failing to provide a specimen for analysis.

Full story here: Clitheroe drink driver was found 'unconscious' in car

Lancashire Telegraph: Manchester Road, Nelson Manchester Road, Nelson (Image: Google Maps)

Danger driver who did 'disgraceful' driving saw it as a 'game'

A man who engaged in a “disgraceful” piece of dangerous driving told a probation officer him and his friends viewed it as a “game.”

Blackburn magistrates heard Hassan Wajid overtook on blind bends, went through red lights and forced other motorists to take evasive action as he tried to give police the slip during a chase at 10.27am.

District Judge Alexandra Preston said she was only just persuaded to keep the case at the magistrates court and deal with it by way of a suspended prison sentence.

Full story here: Danger driver who did 'disgraceful' driving saw it as a 'game'

Lancashire Telegraph: Blackburn MagistratesBlackburn Magistrates (Image: NQ Staff)

Repeat drink driver caught again outside nursery by police

A man on his way to check on a friend’s business premises, following a report of a prowler, was stopped and breathalysed by police on their way to investigate the same incident.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard repeat offender Alan Williams was caught by police on October 29 in Rakefoot, Haslingden, while driving his Land Rover Defender.

Williams, who has three previous convictions for drink driving, blew 56 micrograms of alcohol per 100ml of breath, over the legal limit of 35mcg.

Full story here: Repeat drink driver caught again outside nursery by police

Lancashire Telegraph: Blackburn Magistrates Blackburn Magistrates (Image: NQ Staff)

Drunken Colne man told partner he would 'do her in'

A drunken man was reported to police by his partner and his daughter because of his behaviour towards them.

Blackburn magistrates heard Mark Jackson told his partner he would “do her in” during a call she received while she was at work.

District Judge Alexandra Preston said the offence had been committed against a background of offences of violence against his partner and his own daughter.

“You blame alcohol but there are plenty of men who drink and don’t assault their partner and their own child,” said District Judge Preston. “I am going to impose a prison sentence but I am just persuaded to suspend it.”

Full story here: Drunken Colne man told partner he would 'do her in'

Accrington woman to be sentenced for threatening behaviour

A woman from Accrington is to be sentenced for using threatening behaviour towards one man and racially aggravated behaviour towards another.

Danielle Orrom was convicted in her absence of three offences, after she pleaded not guilty in April 2023, but failed to appear at Blackburn Magistrates’ Court for her trial in December last year.

The 43-year-old, of Bold Street, Accrington was found guilty in her absence of using threatening behaviour towards John Knight on July 31 2022.

She was also found guilty of racially aggravated behaviour towards Ismail Alrahmoun on two occasions, on July 20 and July 31, 2022.

Full story here: Accrington woman to be sentenced for threatening behaviour

Lancashire Telegraph: Blackburn Magistrates Blackburn Magistrates (Image: NQ Staff)

Blackburn woman wrongfully claimed more than £4,000

A Blackburn woman fiddled her benefits to the tune of more than £4,000 by claiming for children that she didn’t have.

Michelle Marsden falsely claimed Universal Credit payments on three occasions, in 2018, 2019, and 2020, amounting to a total of £4,278.36.

Blackburn Magistrates’ Court heard the 59-year-old had filled out forms in September 2018, claiming £1,278.40; in June 2019 claiming £1,525.44; and again in April 2020, claiming £1,475.52.

Full story here: Blackburn woman wrongfully claimed more than £4,000

Lancashire Telegraph: Burnley fan Billy Rambadt has been banned for his actions ahead of the Premier League match at Turf Moor. Picture date: Saturday September 23, 2023 Burnley fan Billy Rambadt has been banned for his actions ahead of the Premier League match at Turf Moor. Picture date: Saturday September 23, 2023 (Image: PA)

Burnley fan banned for Munich insults at Manchester United match

A football fan has been made the subject of a five-year banning order for abusing away supporters.

Blackburn magistrates heard Burnley fan Billy Rambadt had already been made subject to two past bans because of matchday trouble making.

The latest order follows an incident prior to the Turf Moor match against Manchester United when police were escorting away fans to the ground.

Rambadt was seen to raise his arms in an aeroplane gesture and shouted “Munich” several times.

Full story here: Burnley fan banned for Munich insults at Manchester United match

Haslingden man attacked partner with umbrella on Valentine's Day

A man attacked his partner with an umbrella when Valentine’s Day jealousy got the better of him.

Blackburn magistrates heard Mark Ward lost his temper because his partner had been talking to another man in the pub where they had been drinking.

Ward, 58, of Lincoln Place, Haslingden, pleaded guilty to assault. He was remanded on bail until March 24 for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Glenn Anderton, prosecuting, said police received a report of an assault taking place on a garage forecourt.

Full story here: Haslingden man attacked partner with umbrella on Valentine's Day

Lancashire Telegraph: Mill Hill Bridge Street, BlackburnMill Hill Bridge Street, Blackburn (Image: Google Maps)

Blackburn drink driver narrowly missed police car on trip to shop

A driver who made a late-night trip to the shops cut a corner at speed and narrowly missed a police car.

Blackburn magistrates heard the officer stopped Razvan Moca and could smell alcohol.

Moca, 43, of Shorrock Lane, Blackburn, admitted to driving with excess alcohol. He was given a 12-month community order with 100 hours unpaid work and £105 costs.

He was banned for 36 months after the court heard he had a previous drink-drive conviction in the past 10 years.

Full story here: Blackburn drink driver narrowly missed police car on trip to shop

Blackburn man got £5k in ill-gotten gains after seeing free cash sign

A man who responded to a sign offering free money received £5,000 in ill-gotten gains.

Blackburn magistrates heard Liam Alan Dean also received a criminal record as a result of his involvement in the benefits scam.

Dean, 29, of Lower Hollin Bank Street, Blackburn, admitted to four charges of retaining a wrongful credit. He was given a 12-month community order with 100 hours unpaid work and £85 costs. The court was told the Department of Work and Pensions was recovering the money.

Full story here: Blackburn man got £5k in ill-gotten gains after seeing free cash sign

Lancashire Telegraph: One of the 5 Blackburn men is an executive officer with the Department of Works and PensionsOne of the 5 Blackburn men is an executive officer with the Department of Works and Pensions (Image: DWP)

Five Blackburn men in dock over benefits 'scam' ring

Five men, one of them an executive officer with the Department of Works and Pensions, have appeared before Blackburn magistrates charged in connection with the misappropriation of more than £50,000.

Rafiq Master 48, of London Walk, Blackburn, is charged with acquiring criminal property, namely £28,889, which was deposited into a bank account in his name, unauthorised access to a computer with intent to commit an offence and fraud by abuse of his position with the Department for Work and Pensions.

Full story here: Five Blackburn men in dock over benefits 'scam' ring

Lancashire Telegraph: Scott McKay, a prolific burglarScott McKay, a prolific burglar (Image: Lancs Police)

Blackburn town centre salon closed due to repeat burglaries

The owner of a Blackburn hairdressing salon closed her business after being subjected to a number of burglaries, and now a man has been before court to answer for the crimes.

Talia Boardman told police the repeated attacks on her premises had caused her enormous stress and led to her closing the King William Street salon in the town centre.

Scott McKay, 47, of St George’s Avenue, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to burglary at Talia’s Beauty Salon and theft of a till and takings, and also at No 6 Café and theft of a tablet and mobile phone.

Full story here: Blackburn town centre salon closed due to repeat burglaries

Accrington teen drug dealer who taunted police in court

A teenager who failed to keep to bail conditions taunted a police officer who contacted him by phone, challenging him to “catch me if you can.”

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard the police did just that, and when he appeared in court for breach of bail Adnan Ishafaq was remanded into custody to await sentencing.

Ishafaq, 19, of Hartmann Street, Accrington, pleaded guilty to two bail offences.

He was remanded in custody ahead of his appearance at the crown court on April 19 for sentence.

Full story here: Accrington teen drug dealer who taunted police in court

Lancashire Telegraph: Blackburn MagistratesBlackburn Magistrates (Image: NQ Staff)

Blackburn menace jailed and banned from driving again

A menace spotted driving erratically has been locked up after his latest incident of criminal driving while high on cocaine.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard a witness followed the Toyota Prius driven by Asian Najeeb for 20 minutes as it travelled along Haslingden Old Road towards Blackburn on May 12, 2023.

He saw the vehicle repeatedly swerving onto the opposite carriageway, hitting the far kerb on at least three occasions.

After being stopped by police, Najeeb tested positive for benzoylecgonine, the derivative of cocaine. He had 157 micrograms of drug per litre of blood, more than three times the legal limit of 50mcg.

Full story here: Blackburn menace jailed and banned from driving again

Drunk Colne pickup driver crashed into woman's car

A drunk pickup truck driver was more than two times over the limit when his vehicle crashed into a woman's car causing one of his wheels to come off.

Blackburn magistrates heard driver Seth Kirkbride was heavily intoxicated and said he was going to drive off after crashing his Isuzu D-Max on September 30.

The car owner told him: “Good luck with that, you have only got three wheels.”

Full story here: Drunk Colne pickup driver crashed into woman's car

Lancashire Telegraph: Royal Blackburn HospitalRoyal Blackburn Hospital (Image: NQ Staff)

Man pulled out gun in Royal Blackburn Hospital café

Police were called after a man was spotted in the café at Royal Blackburn Hospital with what appeared to be a handgun.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard tactical armed officers were deployed to the hospital where one of them overpowered Ninian Reed.

He was found to be in possession of a BB gun and a kitchen knife.

Reed, 59, of Ravenglass Close, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to possession of a knife and an imitation firearm in public.

Full story here: Man pulled out gun in Royal Blackburn Hospital café

Lancashire Telegraph: Sainsbury's in ColneSainsbury's in Colne (Image: Google Maps)

Colne shoplifter saw police appeal and handed himself in

A shoplifter "shopped" himself after police posted CCTV footage on social media appealing for information.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard Thomas Riley phoned the police and admitted it was him who had been filmed stealing from Sainsbury's in Colne on June 24.

Riley, 41, of Crabtree Street, Colne, pleaded guilty to theft of razor blades worth £250.

He was ordered to pay £250 compensation.

Full story here: Colne shoplifter saw police appeal and handed himself in

Blackburn man's police chase through residential streets

A police pursuit during which speeds of 80mph were reached in mainly residential areas came to an end when a stinger was deployed.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard Jehangir Ashraf tested positive for cocaine and was also found in possession of cannabis following the chase on August 8.

Ashraf, 31, of Ash Tree Grove, Nelson, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, drug driving and possession of cannabis.

Full story here: Blackburn man's police chase through residential streets

Lancashire Telegraph: The alleged incident occurred outside the Tavern pub in Great HarwoodThe alleged incident occurred outside the Tavern pub in Great Harwood (Image: Google Maps)

Woman denies hitting ex-partner with car in Great Harwood

A woman has appeared in court following an incident outside a Great Harwood pub on Saturday night, when a man was hit by a car.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court were told Shula Baron was the driver of the car and the injured man, Ashley Riley, was her ex-partner.

A woman who was allegedly assaulted following the collision, Laura Lee, was Mr Riley's current partner.

Scott Parker, prosecuting, said the incident happened as Mr Riley and Miss Lee left the Tavern in Great Harwood on Saturday, February 24.

Full story here: Woman denies hitting ex-partner with car in Great Harwood

Lancashire Telegraph: Blackburn magistrates Blackburn magistrates (Image: Archive)

Man headbutted police van light after being arrested 

A man arrested in connection with an alleged domestic incident headbutted a light in the back of a police van.

Blackburn magistrates heard the original matter did not lead to any charges, but Nathan Grimshaw was charged with criminal damage to the light, causing £100 of damage.

Grimshaw, 28, of Gannow Lane, Burnley, pleaded guilty to criminal damage to a light belonging to Lancashire Constabulary.

Full story here: Man headbutted police van light after being arrested

Lancashire Telegraph: Matalan in Accrington and a poo emoji Matalan in Accrington and a poo emoji (Image: Archive)

Homeless man caught twice pooing outside Accrington Matalan

A homeless man was twice caught on CCTV having a "dump" in the doorway of Matalan in Accrington.

The second incident occurred on Christmas Day, where he pooed outside the shop at Fountain Retail Park in Hyndburn Road, with the first a week earlier.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard Martin Ford's unusual toilet habits had caused him "great shame and embarrassment".

Ford, 49, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to defecating  in a public place on December 19 and Christmas Day, December 25.

Full story here: Homeless man caught twice pooing outside Accrington Matalan​

Clitheroe man threatened to 'set dogs on police' at arrest

A drunken man who was asked by a neighbour to keep the noise down because he was frightening her child responded by punching her window.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard when police turned up at the home of Sean Rigby he threatened to set the dogs on them and then punched an officer.

Rigby, 51, of Cottage Close, Clitheroe, pleaded guilty to assaulting an emergency worker and criminal damage to a window.

He was fined £392 with £150 compensation for the window and £75 to the officer. He was also ordered to pay £85 costs and £157 victim surcharge.

Full story here: Clitheroe man threatened to 'set dogs on police' at arrest

Lancashire Telegraph: Ethan Banham smoked cannabis before driving and getting caughtEthan Banham smoked cannabis before driving and getting caught (Image: Pixabay)

Haslingden man caught drug driving after smoking cannabis

A patrolling police officer smelled cannabis coming from a car which passed him travelling in the opposite direction.

Blackburn magistrates heard the officer turned round and stopped Ethan Banham's Citroen Berlingo in Clough End Road, after which the 20-year-old who failed a roadside drug swipe on November 17.

Banham, of Blackburn Road, Haslingden, pleaded guilty to driving over the limit for cannabis.

He was fined £120 with £85 costs and £48 victim surcharge and banned from driving for 12 months.

Full story here: Haslingden man caught drug driving after smoking cannabis

Lancashire Telegraph: Burnley Lidl Burnley Lidl (Image: Google Maps)

Burnley Lidl manager warned about 'trolley push out'

Store staff were on red alert after a prolific shoplifter was seen filling a trolley.

Blackburn magistrates heard the manager was warned about a possible "trolley push out" and security staff positioned at the door intercepted Christopher Chapman as he tried to leave.

Chapman, 41, of Pheasantford Green, Burnley, pleaded guilty to theft of goods worth £227 from Lidl, Burnley.

Full story here: Burnley Lidl manager warned about 'trolley push out'

Lancashire Telegraph: Ryan WilliamsRyan Williams (Image: Lancs Police)


Shoplifter struck at Accrington Asda two days after prison release

A shoplifter who fled from a store through the fire exit didn't realise he was being watched by two police officers who were standing at the front door.

Blackburn magistrates heard Ryan Williams was caught and detained before he got off the car park at Asda in Accrington.

Williams, 22, of Eastgate, Accrington, pleaded guilty to stealing a vacuum cleaner worth £159.

He was jailed for four weeks by District Judge Alexandra Preston who said the latest offence had been committed just two days after he was released from prison.

Full story here: Shoplifter struck at Accrington Asda two days after prison release

Lancashire Telegraph: Paul ProctorPaul Proctor (Image: Lancs Police)

Racist thug sparked panic at Blackburn Town Hall

A man who went berserk in the reception area at Blackburn Town Hall has been jailed for 18 weeks.

Blackburn magistrates heard Paul Proctor shouted racist abuse at reception staff, head-butted and punched security screens and damaged various items of equipment.

A senior member of staff who came to assist reception staff was threatened with violence and feared he was going to be assaulted.

Proctor, 48, of Clayton Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to two charges of racially aggravated threatening behaviour, criminal damage to computers, check-in machines, signage and chip and pin machines and common assault of Ross McQueen and Anthony Keogh. He was jailed for 18 weeks.

Full story here: Racist thug sparked panic at Blackburn Town Hall