Cole MacGrath is back, making a dramatic journey to the historic Southern city of New Marias in an effort to discover his full super-powered potential — and face a civilisation-ending confrontation with a dark and terrifying enemy from his own future.

Thank goodness for those extraordinary god-like abilities that Cole’s been blessed with, which prove to be a joy to unleash on those enemies unfortunate enough to get in your way, and equally enjoyable to develop and upgrade as the bosses get bigger and badder.

Cole alone may have the power to save humanity, but the big question is — has Infamous 2 got the oomph to make this an action adventure that trumps the original?

Well, yes it probably does, with a fresh graphical polish, new combat system and multiplayer mission create system that’s bound to keep you coming back to New Marias long after you’ve made it safe in single player.
