A NEW disability football team is counting down the days to its debut season after its first training session was hailed a big success.

The team, which is being run by the Accrington and District Junior Football League, will play under the name of East Lancashire Rangers when they kick off in September.

The ADJFL – which runs teams from under eights to under 16s – has been given special dispensation to enter an adult team in to a disability league run by Lancashire FA.

After the fun day training session, league secretary Alan Greenwood, said the players can wait to get going.

“It was a bit of step in to the unknown for us and we weren’t too sure how many would turn up.

“But we were absolutely chuffed by the way the day went.

“We will now be holding training sessions every Monday at Hyndburn Sports Centre is preparation for joining the league.

“The players are very excited about it and can’t wait to join.”

The ADJFL will work in conjunction with the Lancashire County Council’s East Lancs Support Users Network (ELSEN), where Jackie Nelson, the league’s press officer, works.

“We will probably be working with 10 to 12 players each week and then will possibly look at setting up an under 16s team in the future.”

The ADJFL presented the team with a new strip which will be worn at the start of the new season.

For further details, contact Alan Greenwood on 07734 387192.