Captain: Vinny Hanson
Professional: Malinga Bandara (Sri Lanka)
Ins: None
Outs: John Hayman
Last year: 7th
Did you know? Club legend Peter Wood batted 497 times for Rawtenstall - and made 99 50s and 12 tons.

Vinny Hanson: We progressed last year and finished in seventh after being bottom the years before. We made Andy Payne pro and put young lads in and it was the only way to go, we had a clubhouse that needed rebuilding – and we are reaping the rewards. We have signed two players from the Bolton area subject to league approval and we are hoping for another improvement. We want to be playing cricket at the top end of the table and we are pushing for the top four or five and maybe even a run at one of the cups – although we have to get past Nelson in the Worsley Cup and that will be a match.

Prediction: Rawtenstall can build on last year’s seventh place, especially if Sri Lankan spinner Malinga Bandara weaves his magic with the ball.