I know what you're all thinking this week. 'Yahoo, it’s local election time again.'

At this time of the year I am in my element as I am a big supporter of one of the teams (well not so big as I used to be, but that’s another column).

More correctly I should say I am an enthusiast and aficionado of local politics and all the people involved.

I love creating election material, agonising over the content and the correct font, trying to make my team players look more attractive than the other side’s team players.

Then comes the task of getting them out to you - the voters.

I have to persuade, bribe and from time to time blackmail friends and family to come out and deliver the leaflets on my patch.

Many deliverers aren’t even fans of my team, they do it because they like me or the candidate.

That said, delivering leaflets on the right night can be very pleasurable.

The only downside are the low letter-boxes and those bristly draft excluders - in ClivesWorld they would be banned immediately.

During this period I have to be mentally strong and put to the far reaches of my very small mind the notion that, despite all my efforts and agonising, I know that within minutes of my leaflet arriving 97 per cent it will be in the bin mostly unread.

I hasten to add this goes for the other teams' leaflets as well.

Well, I suppose that is democracy for you!