RECENTLY I mentioned the recovery of the badger and the fact that it has caused great concern among farmers who are worried about the spread of bovine TB.

Also during the 1970s, the otter was almost extinct due to persecution and water pollution.

In recent years, the otter has made an impressive comeback and as a result some anglers are now actually calling for a cull.

I must say that I have some sympathy with the farmers who are worried about the spread of bovine TB but in contrast I am firmly on the side of the otter.

I have spoken to anglers who say that the otter poses no real problem suggesting that those who hate them are merely jealous at their skill in catching fish.

Naturalists have to be lucky to see otters but they can impove their chances by going out early in the morning or at dusk.

Otters are particularly active at these time and throughout the night.

The best plan is to sit by the bridges over the River Ribble, but a sighting is never guaranteed.