ALL councils are having to tighten their belts in these tough economic times.

Just this week, Blackburn Council announced it was selling off a raft of items to raise much-needed funds.

But Rossendale Council has sparked outrage after it has axed bin collections in rural areas to save £92,000.

Hundreds of residents will now have to get up early to take their bin bags to a collection point under a new system.

But they claim the council did not carry out a proper consultation and they feel they are being penalised for living in rural areas.

And there are fears that these collection points could be turned into dumping grounds by fly-tippers which will blight the picturesque Rossendale valley.

Residents are perfectly within their rights to launch a petition against the new scheme, as they pay their council tax.

The council must listen to their concerns and provide help to those residents, particuarly the elderly, who struggle with their bins.