THERE’S a massive growing interest throughout Britain in the natural world around us.

The huge popularity of prime-time TV series like Naturewatch and Countryfile prove just how much people want to know about our native wildlife.

They want to get outdoors to see it first-hand, too – and that’s why the newly-opened Brockholes Nature Reserve is a wonderful place for East Lancashire folk to have on their doorstep.

Many dedicated people have spent a lot of time, money and effort over a decade to turn a disused quarry into what is sure to become a nature reserve of national and even international repute.

Brockholes Reserve includes a cafe, shop and information centre as well as education and conference space.

The unique design of the floating ‘marshes’ complex and its siting alongside the M6 guarantee that it will quickly become a big draw.

The influx of tourists will be a great help to East Lancashire’s economy and hopefully make the centre a visitor gateway to the area.

We who live here can feel privileged to have a such fabulous feature in our midst.