I wonder what I’d have done with Osama Bin Laden?

Maybe, on hearing the news, you snapped out a gut decision.

No debate needed; his death so obviously right, despite conflicting details of his demise.

Alternatively, you might agree with my boss.

One day he’s marrying our future king and the next he’s questioning the ethics of a President and his Navy Seals.

“I think the killing of an unarmed man,” said Archbishop Rowan Williams, “is always going to leave a very uncomfortable feeling because it doesn’t look as if justice is seen to be done…"

Somehow, I didn’t jump for joy at the be-whiskered bishop’s words.

Rather, I identified with those who thought that killing an unarmed man who’d had thousands of unarmed victims blown up was justice of a poetic kind.

And, sewn into Bin Laden’s clothing was 500 euros ready for hasty flight, so why not also suicide explosives in case of capture?

Gunning down a killer before he kills yet again seemed the safest option.

That’s the developing debate this week re Colonel Gaddafi, especially after we attacked his home base.

Somehow, there’s something moral in taking out a dictator before he dictates the death of thousands of others.

Sadly, we delicate westerners opted for a no-fly zone instead of no-life cyclone against murdering evil.

One question governs those governed by God: What would Jesus do?

Christians being Christ-followers often ask the question.

Was Bin Laden’s death just? Undoubtedly.

Will it save others? Hopefully.

Was there a loving alternative? I can’t see one. Would Jesus have done it? What do you think? Tell me in the comments below.