I HAD a definite feeling of deja-vu on Saturday when I did a three-hour shift in Zy Bar as the EDL demo took place.

It was one of just four town centre pubs allowed to open to ensure the marchers were all in one place.

And it was under police supervision — just in case.

I’m glad to say the marchers who came in were very well behaved and friendly, so there was no need for any intervention.

In fact, the atmosphere was good and all of the customers were most polite.

So I did ask one of the marchers why he was taking part and just what was the need to march and demonstrate and received a rather thought-provoking reply.

“Well” he said, “folk like you can talk to or write to people, but most of these folk can’t and they are very upset about the things that are happening to this country.

“There are things they don’t agree with and they feel no-one is listening and that nobody cares or gives a damn as to what they think.

“So to them, this is the only way of voicing an opinion, of getting heard.

“It’s unfortunate that a nutty fringe tags on.”

I must admit I couldn’t think of a suitable reply.

The police were very good and that they chose not to be in confrontational combat gear was a tactful gesture.

But I dread to think what all this has cost the town and its traders in these difficult economic times.

All in all, though, Blackburn handled itself well.