I REALLY don’t get David Cameron's ‘Big Society’ philosophy.

In a Utopian society, it might just have a chance. But, as someone who is very involved in community matters, I think it’s a complete non-starter.

Let me give you an example to illustrate the point.

The other night I was sitting in a meeting where two volunteers for committees were being sought.

It would have been a classic example of the ‘Big Society’ at work but instead it proved impossible to find volunteers.

Nowadays, everybody leads hectic lives during the day, and during the evenings we have all become telly addicts – too tired to do anything else.

That's why pubs are closing on a weekly basis, and all voluntary organisations, from churches to political parties, are struggling for members.

I know from personal experience how hard it is to get candidates to stand in the borough elections – and these are posts that come with a small salary.

So if it’s so difficult to get people to take up paid posts, how does ‘Just Call me Dave’ propose to get everyone doing something for nothing?

That said I’m still a firm believer in doing ‘one's bit for society’.

There are some fantastic voluntary organisations in Rossendale, such as Civic Pride and Rossendale Rays, but I also know how hard it is to keep both of these running.

The People's Bank idea also fills me with dread.

I have some knowledge of how grant-aided enterprises are funded and there are two possible scenarios.

Scenario 1: If it’s not policed properly, all sorts of scallywags will set up not-for-profit enterprises and rob the bank blind.

Scenario 2: David and his boys realise what might happen and set it up in such a bureaucratic way that nothing gets achieved.

On a lighter note, I was berating people for not taking ownership of the traffic light situation in Rawtenstall last week. Well, I have to tell you I was slightly wrong.

County Councillor Tony Winder has taken ownership and stepped up to the plate.

He is trying hard to resolve the situation and was actually seen directing traffic on Burnley Road the other night.

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