Can everyone shut up about the Commonwealth Games?

The huge outcry over the state of the organisation of the games kind of ignored the culture of doing things at the very last minute.

Indian timing normally means things will get done in time – but not necessarily in any specific time frame.

The opening ceremony was magnificent so all that talk about how things would be never be ready has been quickly forgotten.

It was wonderful seeing them fixing the track the day before.

The ‘It’ll be alright on the night’ attitude is something I can relate too.

Okay, there might be a couple of mishaps but has anyone actually been to the Asian sub-continent?

It is surprising how parts of it function at all.

But it all manages to do so in organised chaos.

In under two years the eyes of the world will be focused on my beloved nation.

And I can imagine some poor Indian national stood at a railway station with a confused look on his face, thinking, ‘leaves on the track? Well, I never’.