SO, we might have a hung parliament, and perhaps that might be a good thing.

Maybe, then, politicians will have to listen to other opinions and not just toe the party line, or follow the whip.

In the present parliament we have various parties all with different ideas on the things that affect us and the country, but as the system is at the moment, the only ideas being taken any notice of, are those of the party in power, which is the one with the most MPs.

Note that I say the most MPs, as opposed to the party with the most votes, but that’s the way our ‘first past the post’ voting system works.

People often vote an MP in, not because they are the best person for the town, but the person who represents ‘their’ party and it’s not always a wise choice.

Give me a man or woman whose main concern is to look after my town’s interest.

It’s a funny thing, or perhaps it’s a sad thing, that at this most critical of times, when the country and its people are struggling financially, shops are shutting, folk are losing their jobs and morale is at a low ebb, in a winter that has sapped most of us of our optimism, all the politicans can talk about is Gordon Brown throwing a tantrum, or allegations that he is a bully.

Now, doesn’t it make you want to spit!