Yesterday, I learned the secret of why top schools are tops.

One educationalist, it seems, was so determined to discover this that he grilled the crème de la crème of heads.

“What makes you so outstanding?” he challenged, and one common explanation surfaced.

“We have a set of non-negotiable core values,” as one head put it.

“Ah,” countered the educationalist, “but government keeps changing direction with ‘Every Child Matters’, or the latest in sex education, or SATs tests, or the ever-changing fad courses on the latest social evils. Surely, you’re ever changing?

“No so,” smiled the top head, “whatever comes down has to fit our core values.”

So simple even a child could understand it. Why can’t the rest of British education likewise refrain from swaying with every wind of fashion?

A couple of columns ago, we noted that most of the top schools were faith ones, or, more accurately, Christian schools, complete with their ready-made heritage of Godly core values.

And yesterday, I was involved with one top local school refining its core values, putting in order eight principles I judged to be vital.

I thought you might also enjoy the exercise, and I’ll pass on your choices to the school in question.

Number your eight top values from: Reverence, Wisdom, Thankfulness, Humility, Endurance, Service, Compassion, Trust, Peace, Forgiveness, Friendship, Justice, Hope, Creation, Love and Grace.

And if you’re a fed-up, fad-frustrated teacher, why not require the government to pass your values exam in future?

What would your top eight values be from Rev Logan's list? Share your thoughts by adding a comment below.