We’re all getting very nervous now. Only a few days to go before the reveal.

It brings memories back of that Saturday in February when over 100 contestants were taken to London and marched in front of the judges and told Yes or No.

Hollie certainly had all her fingers and toes crossed for that one.

If Hollie gets through, we have made to conscious decision not to let her watch any of the other contestant’s semi-final performances.

She really believes all the other contestants are much better than her and we don’t want her confidence knocking any further.

We tell Hollie: “Do your best and have fun, It doesn’t matter what the others do.”

And she certainly is having fun. The photo shoot for the Radio Times was brilliant and on Tuesday she had a surprise trip to London to meet the cast of Wicked.

Hollie said: “Today I thought I was going to a singing lesson, but instead I was a VIP in Wicked (my favourite musical).

"Elphaba and Glinda took me round the theatre and in the dressing rooms, they made the big wizard head talk to me and they even made me green.

"It took forever to get it off. It was the wickedest day ever!!!”

The live semi-finals start next week, so don’t forget to watch.

They promise to boast the best talent from across the country, with contestant like Susan and Shaheen; hopefully Hollie will be up there with them.

Hollie would be forever grateful for your support when the voting lines open.

”Getting into the final would be a dream come true.”

Love Hollie and Mum xx