AS residents of particular towns we have to put up with quite a few things.

The odd bit of building work, maybe some diversions and the rare occasion when the traffic lights go on the blink.

Regardless of these few mishaps, life is generally good. Okay it isn't 25 degrees every day, but if you gave me a choice of living on a desert island with free cocktails I am pretty certain within a couple of weeks I would find my way back to Bolton Road.

So when you find something that you really hate about your town it bugs you. And it continues to bug you until you find an answer for it.

Then, when you see that thing happening over and over again, it becomes bit of an obsession.

Every morning on the way to work my little journey is interrupted by something quite peculiar. In fact peculiar is not the right word for it. Stupid makes more sense.

Just before nine-ish every morning two lanes of a dual carriageway become one.

Now, I have nothing against the guy whose job it is to move the cones into the middle of the road. But I feel using a little common sense could help.

When there is no traffic we have two lanes, but when we have traffic there is one. The simple thing to do would be to delay putting the cones into the middle of the road until 9.30. We are after all talking about a smallish Northern town here and not a major city. Traffic usually disappears at about 9.30.

What makes it all the more strange is that there is no work going on in that second lane. I know this because later in the evening there are no cones and one is free to use the lane as one wishes.

I kind of feel sorry for this guy who has to put cones into the middle of the road, as he gets quite a few annoying looks from drivers.

After all it is not his fault.

It is not as if he wakes up in the morning and says 'Right, let me see how many motorists I can annoy today.' I would like to think this idea of mine has already been suggested by someone, but I sense it was probably overlooked, because it didn't fit into the grand scheme of 'doing the decent thing.'