Now that the elections are over we are free to be as political as what we want.

It has been been ten long years since I voted in the Prime Minister.

Ten years is a pretty long time to be having to see that same old grin tell me the same old stuff but in different ways.

Back in 1997 I was in my early twenties and had long hair.

For the most of the second half of 1997 I was in the South American country of Ecuador. Believe it or not I was teaching English to a ladies only class.

It was fun at times as I only knew three words of Spanish and they knew only five words of English.

But at the end of the course I am proud to say they could all had the level of English skills of your average 16 year-old born and brought up here.

Now, most Ecuadorians like most South Americans at the time had a soft spot for the English. They loved the English much more than our friends across the Atlantic The reason explained to me was this: They thought we had a set of ideals and principles that were important. We had learned through plenty of pain and suffering that there were certain lines we could now never cross.

However, ask the same people now and they will tell you different story.

We are no longer as loved and respected as we once were.

And whilst my Prime Minister may wish to be remembered for having made my life better. I am pretty sure his legacy will be completely different.

No matter how hard he tries to make the world forget he will go down in history as the man who was wrong but just wouldn't admit it.

I am hoping to go on my holidays this summer. I might even return to that great nation of Ecuador but I am concerned at how I am going to be greeted.

Back in 1997 they all welcomed me, a Muslim, into their homes with open arms.

Okay they didn't understand how I could be an Englishman, a Muslim and Pakistani at the same time but these things didn't matter.

I sense now I have to be doubly apologetic about things and will have to say sorry for both sets of villains - those who want kill people with homemade bombs and those who get voted in and get their troops to do it for them.