I've spent quite a lot of time with teachers recently. Which is both surprising and not: considering I've been married to one for approaching 30 years!

Off she tootles around 7:30am, not to be seen again till about 6pm.

It's not unusual for her to be working after midnight or at dawn. Weekends are quite normal too.

Anyway, this time spent with my teaching pals reminded me of my old teachers - we're talking slum or bomb clearance 1960's Birmingham now.

They were life changing heroes.

Miss Jones my Infant Head Teacher, Mr Wright, top year Juniors (now Year 6?).

Great teachers at Sheldon Heath Comprehensive, led by Joe Smith (CBE).

Stewart Trainor who took me for my first ever non English meal, Dave Francis and Norman Eaves who took us youth hostelling in the Lake District and to the school "cottage" on Lake Bala in Wales.

Maggie Fell who taught us to think about going to University.

Celia Gaskin who took us to concerts by the City of Birmingham Orchestra, rock bands like Spencer Davis, lectures at the University by AJP Taylor and the like, to plays and other things to widen our horizons and raise our aspirations.

My life has changed because of these great personalities, great professionals.

I am forever in their debt for the great opportunities they afforded me.

Giving our children their best possible start in their lives is our responsibility to the next generation.