Most people of a certain age will have memories of their school nurse.

In almost every school in the land at one time, she was the person who provided a listening ear, made vaccination day as pain-free as possible, or rang home when a pupil was feeling under the weather.

The great thing about the school nurse is that they have daily contact with children who might otherwise go for several weeks or months without ever seeing a healthcare professional.

They are in a unique position in this way.

Unfortunately though, it seems many schools have done away with the position, probably due to funding cuts.

Of course, times are tougher now than they have been and there are difficult decisions to be made at every budget-setting time.

But a school nurse would seem like a very sensible investment and would certainly pay back the expenditure in a number of ways.

With teachers busier and busier meeting targets, nurses can play a key role in helping pupils with their mental and emotional health.

They can spot health problems before they develop and help in the battle with childhood obesity.

Their work should not be overlooked or undervalued.