RE: ‘PUBLIC transport is not the future’ (LT Letters, July 1).

In reply to BuckotheMoose regarding public transport I do agree with him about some of the ill-mannered people who use our buses, and make journeys for some of us not very nice.

Sadly this is what some people are like today.

But then being a non-car-owner I, at times, put up with ill-mannered drivers who park on pavements making me walk in the road.

They also obstruct dropped pavements so mobility scooters can’t get onto pavements. More than once I have been nearly knocked down on a crossing because the driver has not been watching the signals.

There are far too many cars on our roads, and they cause a nightmare for pedestrians, mainly the elderly.

Also they obstruct street cleaning so Mr BuckotheMoose when you can no longer use your car, you will be glad of buses and, just like me, you will have to grin and bear it, or use a taxi.

H Hamer (via e-mail)