AN East Lancashire couple have become among the first in Britain to convert their civil partnership into a gay marriage.

Dionne Kennedy and Julie Mooney from Rossendale tied the knot at Preston Register Office and said they were delighted to be finally legally wed.

The change in the law has been a long time coming — in fact far too long — but at least the country is finally doing the right thing at last.

Everyone, whether straight or gay, should have the opportunity to marry the person they love.

In the past, people have been forced to hide their sexuality and certainly could not celebrate their love properly with an official ceremony.

But times have changed and British society has seen the errors of its ways.

Sadly the situation is not the same elsewhere in the world.

In some countries it is still a crime to be in a romantic relationship with someone of the same sex.

In fact, there are cases where people’s lives would be at risk if they were to tell the truth.

We very much welcome the decision to make it simple for people to covert from a civil partnership to a marriage.

And we wish congratulations to anyone who takes up the opportunity.