Are you able to live without a specific gadget? Having acquired an i-Pad some months ago, I have realised that it really has to be the best gadget ever invented.

It is especially good for lazy people. The more gadgets one has in the home, the lazier one becomes. Even worse, the lazier your kids become.

Presently, I am going through a phase of wanting to watch everything on the i-Pad. I no longer have to flick through channels with an ancient remote control, I can watch what I want...when I want.

This phase is likely to last a few weeks before I realise I am wasting my life in front of an i-Pad and it is actually more fun cleaning the gutters.

Having spent many years of my life in front of the television, I will spend the remainder in front of the i-Pad.

When you put it like that, you actually realise how sad that is.

The point is we have become addicted to gadgets and we can’t get enough of them. I know people who cannot spend a moment without talking about gadgets.

Yes, they talk about how great the next gadget will be and how the one you bought is already out of date.

Living without a specific gadget is a real problem for some people. In my circle of friends, I find there are people who will check their phones no less than ten times in any one-minute conversation.

They are also normally the folk who have very few calls or texts. If you are so busy, how come you have so much time to write nonsense on Twitter?

There is one guy who makes calls whilst in the bathroom – I stopped taking his calls some time back.

Yet, the fact remains, could I function without any of the gadgets I have gotten used too?

My three-year-old seems to be doing okay and spends her time making her own games up. Maybe that is the way forward.