EVEN when times are tough, the generous people of East Lancashire always dig deep and raise money for good causes.

Often, it’s cancer charities which benefit greatly, with so many people touched by the disease and determined to help find a cure.

And there are so many more medical problems that cause pain and misery to suffers’ every day lives where advancements are critical.

The case of 33-year-old Hapton woman Louise Webber is a prime example of someone who finds her day-to-day activities curtailed by her painful and irritating skin condition.

A mother of three young children, she wants to be able to go for walks, play in the park, and be active with them.

But her condition flares up when she’s hot so exercise has been a no-go area.

So it’s a potentially life-changing step forward that she’s been able to benefit from a new treatment, an injection normally reserved to relieve asthma.

It makes one wonder about all the other cures already out there, waiting to be used on an illness or condition they’ve not yet been linked with.

This is why medical research, the experts to carry it out and the money to pay for it are so vital.