SIX years ago, this newspaper launched the Wasted Lives campaign to try to do something about the rising tide of death and injury on the roads involving young drivers.

The Lancashire Telegraph campaign highlighted rising accident figures and called for a series of measures including a graduated licence scheme for young drivers, restrictions on them driving at night, at more than 50mph and on motorways as well as carrying passengers or driving powerful cars until they were more experienced.

We reported how similar restrictions in countries like the USA, Australia, Canada and New Zealand had all resulted in death and serious injury reductions.

Parents of teenage drivers who had become crash victims, police traffic experts, leading politicians of all parties and road safety groups all backed our efforts.

But a government, perhaps fearful of alienating some young voters, failed to grasp the nettle and act.

Now the RAC Foundation has renewed the national debate by anouncing that it wants a three-stage graduated system of licences over four years for young, newly qualified drivers.

Let’s hope this works because it’s never too late to save lives.