THE number of abandoned cats in East Lancashire is extremely worrying.

Animal charities are feeling the strain after the number of animals dumped on their doorsteps has rocketed.

Volunteers said the recession had caused more families to give their pets the boot.

In one weekend alone, 14 cats were rescued from ‘emergency situations’.

And in Burnley, three cats were dumped in a cardboard box in the middle of the street.

Charities are now calling on owners to neuter their animals before the breeding season starts next month.

Their call is the right one. And if it’s not listened to, we are facing a very tragic scenario where cats are destroyed.

Anyone who adopts an animal has a duty to make sure it is properly looked after.

But equally important, they have to know they can guarantee the food costs and vet bills can be met.

Britain prides itself as a nation of animal lovers. Sad to say, it’s not universally true.