AN East Lancashire PhD student is to spearhead a national “beatbox” campaign to promote science.

Dan Stowell, 30, has taken it upon himself to raise awareness of the daily impact that science and engineering have on the British public.

Dan, from Higham, formerly of St Christopher’s High school in Accrington, is studying for a PhD at the Centre for Digital Music at Queen Mary University, London.

He has pioneering new ways people can interact with music and musical instruments by just using their voice.

The beatboxing campaign, known as NOISE, is aiming for new outlooks in science and engineering.

Dan said: “I have always been passionate about science and am thrilled to have been appointed as a NOISEmaker.

“It is a green light to go out and shout about what is so amazing about being a scientist!

“Science and engineering covers so many aspects of our lives, from traditional physics and chemistry through to creative digital technology.”

Dan is working closely with beatboxers – people who can make the sound of drum beats and musical effects vocally.

The student then harnesses the sounds with computer technology and develops techniques to analyse and evolve the music into different forms.

His unique studies are part of the national NOISE campaign promoting science through different sounds at festivals and events around the country.

Science enthusiasts can follow Dan’s progress online at the website below.