AN internet movement aimed at providing much- needed food and clothing for homeless people in East Lancashire has told children they can no longer help as volunteers.

The ‘Help The Homeless - East Lancashire’ campaign has seen dozens of volunteers give up their time to provide vital supplies to people living on the streets.

One of them was nine-year-old Burnley youngster Brandon Hodgson, who was recognised by his school after helping his mum, Natalie, give food, clothing and advice to the needy.

But on its official Facebook page, the group has since said: “One point I do want to make is that we wouldn’t want any more children to be in attendance, as we don’t know the background of many of the homeless people we help.

“We don’t want to judge, but please understand that we want to safeguard you, us, and everyone involved, so that this initiative works well.

“We just want to be careful, as well as caring.”