Every year, the beer tax escalator increases the tax on beer by two per cent above the rate of inflation, thus adding considerably more pressure on the British pub, the cornerstone of many of our communities.

Removing the beer duty escalator at the next budget will help keep beer more affordable and go a long way to supporting the institution that is the great British pub.

Going to the pub is a core British tradition and so is enjoying great beer. If you want to continue enjoying your fresh pint in your local pub then it’s crucial that you support our campaign to grind the beer duty tax escalator to a halt.

If we don’t show our support for the great British pub, we risk losing more pubs and more jobs within our local communities.

Support great beer in the great British pub and sign the e-petition at http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/29664 now. British Pubs Need You.

Chris Richards, Manchester Road, Accrington.