A change of law was promised recently to make it easier for the police to identify and prosecute ‘drug-drivers’.

It was the result of a brave campaign by the family of 14-year-old Lillian Groves, killed by a driver under the influence of cannabis.

Then it emerged that passengers entering Britain through Gatwick with cannabis in their possession were being let off with just a warning.

And then a juror, taking his lunch break outside a Bolton Crown Court, was caught smoking cannabis.

Although discharged from the jury, the ‘form book’ suggests that for the charge of ‘contempt of court’, a warning rather than jail would suffice.

With such soft sentencing on drugs, how can our children, indeed Britain, ever be safe?

If a person indulges in bad practices, doesn’t it lead to major breakdown, if not total failure, of their vital life support systems – if not organs, then minds?

By the same token, wouldn’t this be the end result for a nation if its government continued with a softly, softly approach to drug use?

A Ramsay (via email).