Will the day ever come when we are all equal under the law? I doubt it!

Once again we have suffered an invasion by travellers in Meadowhead ward, this time on St Wifrid’s playing fields.

They apparently broke the lock off the gate and set up camp on the land.

Fortunately, there were a lot fewer than the 50 caravans we had on Green Lane last year and, working with the school and the Police, Konrad Tapp and I got them on their way in under two days.

The question remains of why the innocent parties are left to foot the bill for the inevitable clean-up and whether any of the culprits will be charged with criminal damage.

As usual, they are sent on their way with the smug satisfaction of knowing that they are above the law and the worst that will happen is that they will need to find somewhere else to blight.

If a group of friends from the Caravan Club broke into a school field and settled down, I do not believe they would be treated so leniently, even if they pleaded they were on their way to a wedding. Brian Gordon Conservative Councillor, Meadowhead Ward.