IN St Annes, if there are two yellow lines down a street, people don’t park there as they know it is illegal and they respect the law.

They don’t park on pavements as these are for pedestrians. They don’t park across back alley entrances as they appreciate the emergency services may need to use them.

And they don’t park on grass verges for the simple reason that grass and flowers by the roadside look nicer than sludge and mud.

Now move inland to Blackburn, and the complete opposite is the rule.

Motorists here park where they like, drive where they like and woe betide anyone who protests.

The town is populated by the type of person who believes the Highway Code and Traffic laws were written for someone else.

In the town centre there is more traffic using the so- called pedestrian areas than the roads – the junction of Darwen Street and Church Street is an accident waiting to happen.

If someone was badly injured or killed in that location, who would shoulder the blame – the driver, the pedestrian or the council?

Having said all this, I have found a nice, safe traffic-free place to stroll – it’s called Feilden Street Car Park!

John Smith (via email).