WELL said Margo. It is time for the public sector union leaders and their members to take a relaity check.

The disgraceful, futile and doubtfully mandated strike by public sector workers will change nothing.

Public sector pensions at their present level are unsustainable without a huge increase in contributions.

This is not a new problem.

The seeds were planted when Edward Heath, in one of his many cave-ins, agreed to index link public sector pensions.

This is a benefit which could not be purcharsed by private sector schemes, even if they could afford it.

Since then, successive governments have turned a blind eye to the problem and refused to tackle it, most notably Alan Johnson who caved in to the Labour Party paymasters, the unions, when he had a real chance to address the issues.

So I’m afraid the public sector unions and their members will have to get real.

The wealth-creating private sector employees can no longer be expected to subsidise public sector pensions – it is not fair for future generations.

Incidentally, how predictably depressing to see the Burnley Labour Party give their unanimous support for the strike action.

Mr Pike and his colleagues just don’t get it.

F W Birch, Padiham.