I WISH to comment on the validity of Councillor John Milburn's answer to my September 7 question to the Council Forum relating to the legitimate sport and leisure needs of the people of Darwen.

Whilst Coun Milburn provided a limited explanation and rationale for the decision to close Darwen Leisure Centre for such a long period, more effort could be made to find land near the town centre.

It was suggested the centre would be closed for about 18 months. This is optimistic.

Also, we are informed that there is no site close to the town centre suitable for new-build.

It might be argued that, with judicious political will and intelligent clearance, a suitable site could be between Duckworth Street and the railway line.

The new resource centre site would have been suitable.

In fact if built on three floors there may still be room for a new Darwen Leisure Centre there.

My question referred to "the legitimate sport and leisure needs of the people of Darwen." A need' implies a want' and this appears not to have been addressed by Councillor Milburn.

The council cannot know what users want if there has been no comprehensive survey of opinion.

My information is that user groups were informed of plans and a limited survey was undertaken at the centre the week there were no swimming lessons.

Having collected 41 signatures for a petition against the closure n less than two hours, my guess is that probably many hundreds more signatures could be secured in one week alone.

How many councillors actually use Darwen Leisure Cetnre on a regular basis?

How many chief executive officers live in the borough and use local leisure facilities?

Can we stop them closing our LC down for at least 18 months?

Probably not, but we can keep trying to stop them - and show our displeasure in 2007.

GEORGE J HILL (address supplied).