ON Sunday morning I looked up a friend’s town on the map: Burnham-on-Sea. What a pleasant name.

Exiting my front door (at Ewood), once again I am greeted by rubbish blowing about on my doorstep from the litter bin, full to the brim, two yards away.

Why is money spent on stickers exhorting the public to use waste bins if they’re not emptied?

Later that day I drive up Longshaw Lane past the wreck of the Royal Infirmary – rubbish blowing about all over the place.

It leads me to think that under this Labour Council we could perhaps give our town a new name – how about Blackburn-on-Landfill?

Come on, council leader Kate Hollern: no ‘cutbacks’ pretext please (the greatest excuse for lazy manage-ment since the three-day week).

Shape yourself and give us a town we have a chance of being proud of before it invites the title Fly Tip Capital of the World.

R.C.Pickup (via email).