Most people would agree with ‘maverick’s’ comments (LT, April 16) that looking after the elderly and vulnerable should be a priority.

We are supposed to live in a civilised society but it’s the vulnerable who are being hit hardest by cuts.

The rich bankers lost so much money that the taxpayer had to bail them out.

They had enough money for their bonuses and although the taxpayer owns a large part of the banking system, the bonus culture has survived.

Politicians soon got their expenses wagons rolling again with some claiming money they had paid back; one even claimed for dog food.

Perhaps the politicians’ expenses should be means tested as many are independently wealthy and have no idea what living on a low income means.

Large companies with huge profits get away with paying little if any tax, individuals who earn more in a week than many do in a year have legal tax avoidance schemes that see them paying less tax than they should.

The truth is, having money means you can avoid paying what you should while the divide between the rich and poor just grows.

Ian Davies, Worcester Road, Blackburn.