IN reply to John McGee (LT, April 12) I refer him to the booklet issued to new grave owners by Blackburn Council at time of purchase.

Para 53: No memorial, article or other thing shall be erected or placed on any grave within any cemetery... without the written consent of the council.

Para 54: No kerbstones, edgings or grave surrounds will be allowed and no memorial, article or other thing may be placed on any grave space without written consent of the council.

There is further advice: to avoid distress, grave owners are asked to contact the Cemeteries Office for assist-ance in the interpretation of all regulations.

Having declared these rules, I assumed it would be the responsibility of the council to ensure they were respected, but if Mr McGee disagrees, perhaps he could advise exactly who is responsible, please.

Unlike Mr McGee, I do not judge and comment on the additions to memorials and would never liken them to a ‘glorified fly-tip’ or as ‘acts of vandalism’. Such opinions are insensitive to the feelings of the bereaved.

Mr McGee has made no mention of the ugly bands and stakes which have been left to rot year upon year.

These do fit the description of ‘fly-tip’ and ‘vandalism’.

If action is to be taken now, is this not too little, too late? The councils concer-ned have allowed it to happen. Respect the living, but also live and let live.

M Whalley (Mrs), Pleasington Cemetery Action Group.