AS an operational Drug Squad officer in a former life, witnessing first-hand the devastation caused to families, I totally agree with Dexter (Opinion, March 26) that the current policies of curbing illegal drug use have failed miserably.

It is over 30 years since the Misuse of Drugs Act was enacted and society has changed dramatically.

A radical and new strategy is demanded.

The legalisation of those caught in unlawful possession of drugs for their own use is the most sensible, compassionate and logical conclusion.

Street values would plummet, making it impossible for pushers to make huge profits on the black market.

It would also reduce burglary, gun crime, turf wars and prostitution, and raise billions in tax revenue.

Drug users could obtain supplies from supervised clinics where clear information about risks, and guidance on seeking treatment, would be available.

Jim Oldcorn, Ridgeway, Great Harwood.