I have seen the story of the mayoral car (LT, October 25) and it raised a few questions in my mind’ Does the mayor really need a vehicle of that size?

The very people we elect are telling us that due to the present financial climate, we have to pay more for services, whilst these very services are being looked at with a view to being cut back.

In other words, we are being told by the very people we elected to safeguard our interests that the services we have become used to, and in many cases need are being, in some cases withdrawn, or at least seriously depleted, whilst the Leader of our elected body is driven around, in a luxury limousine at our expense.

Does the mayor REALLY need this type of luxury? How much would the car be worth on the open market? How much would that number plate fetch? Can the Mayor function without them? Do we really need all of this pomp and ceremony?

Let us see our elected councillors lead from the front!

Maurice J. Rogers, Holden Fold, Darwen