I would like to follow up the recent letter ‘No point in six-day market’ (LT, October 5) in which Mrs Lawrence asked, ‘Where are the traders waiting to take stalls in Accrington market?’ I was a new trader wanting to take a stall on the outside market area to sell curries.

I presently sell at Todmorden and Hebden Bridge outdoor and food markets and enquired in July this year about availability at Accrington.

I was told by email by the council’s market officer, David Spencer, that the market was ‘fully subscribed with hot food traders’ and the electrical system was ‘not of high enough voltage to cope with equipment for heating food’.

So, Mrs Lawrence, you have your answer – new traders are being turned away!

I am sure this leaves everyone wondering what Hyndburn council is playing at, what they are doing with the market and why they have had £2m of public money if they have no intention of filling the market?

Jeff Thomson Curried Away (address supplied).