Labour peer Lord Mandelson is still receiving a “transitional allowance” of £103,465 a year from the European Union; £8,622 a month is set at 50 per cent of his former salary as European Trade Commissioner to soften the hardship of leaving the job.

How long ago did that sinecure end for the self-serving champagne socialist still living off the British taxpayer, even when retired?

In the European Parliament recently, Conservative MEP Dan Hannan objected to the fact that Britain’s contribution to the EU is rising by 60 per cent, despite every UK government department budget being cut by 25 per cent to 40 per cent.

It is clear that Dan Hannan is in the wrong party if he thinks the Conservatives are going to change anything for the better regarding our country and the EU. The taxpayer is sick of all these abuses.

It is clear that Britain must leave the EU.

V Bennett, Hornbeam Court, Salford.