I wish to reply to the article (LT, June 19) headlined ‘minister brings hope in A&E fight’.

Nowhere in this article can I see Andrew Lansley giving any hope of the reinstatement of a blue-light service to Burnley General Hospital.

He does say there could be a case for setting up an emergency unit, which would be a first port of call, where patients could be stabilised before transferring them onto Blackburn.

This is a far cry from a full A&E service and something we already have anyway.

I myself attended the urgent care centre at Burnley with severe left-sided chest pain radiating down the arm.

I received instant assessment by ECG and precautionary medication.

Thankfully the ECG proved negative but I was still transferred to Blackburn because I have high blood pressure.

I am afraid I have to marvel at our MP. He now says he never wanted to return to a full-scale A&E unit but he constantly demanded it, making statements like ‘I will never give up the fight until we have a full A&E unit at Burnley General Hospital’.

What this boils down to is that the people of Burnley have been led up the gaden path.

He is now saying the exactly the opposite of what he has said for four years. The deceit of this coalition was bad enough but now this!

Enough is enough, we cannot trust the Lib Dems anymore. It’s as if he thinks we will believe everything he says.

Well, not anymore. We have been lied to for too long.

K Royle, Burnley