AS a young married woman I used to change the arrangement of my furniture around quite frequently.

It suited my whims and didn't cost a penny.

It seems to me that Blackburn with Darwen planners have the same ideas but unfortunately their changes cost millions of pounds and waste our hard-earned cash one way or another.

How long is it since the three-day market and the bus station were both revamped? How much did that cost?

I recall voicing my views regarding the Boulevard and asking what was wrong with having buses lined up facing the station or Cathedral with one, enclosed shelter for all. CCTV connected to the new police station would make for a much safer environment for the travelling public.

Why didn't they think of having traffic lights on the roundabout at Whitebirk long ago instead of waiting until money has been spent and chaos caused by a revamping that has never worked?

It seems to me that we have one botched up job after another and just when I thought it might be a good idea to vote the Conservatives in at the next local elections they've announced that they would close the Waves complex. Talk about shooting themselves in the foot!

It would appear that the public are powerless to stop this high spending council from robbing us and pouring the money down the drain.

Oh, and if there isn't enough trouble with rats in the area, it's a good idea to open up the Blakewater. What a feast the rats will have on all the discarded food and wrappers.