I WOULD like to respond to the article (LET, February 14) "School kids in virtual drugs comas" by Oliver Evans.

I have a son with Attention Deficiency Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). He is not allowed to run wild, he is not allowed to do what he wants, with who he wants and where he wants. He is not a thug.

He is very well mannered; he attends school every day because he knows it is wrong not to go. He has a specific learning difficulty but I have another son who also had a learning difficulty but did not have ADHD, so you can't tar all children with the same brush. Children with ADHD need routine or they become confused.

I get sick of people saying that child doesn't know how to behave.' It's time they woke up and took a look at the world. A few famous people had ADHD, including Sir Winston Churchill. Kids with ADHD are not thugs, junkies or thieves.

CATHERINE YOUNG, Albion Terrace, Burnley.