IN response to the story (LET, February 14), "Heritage safe in our hands," I wonder why it was thought necessary for a member of the Labour party to ask a question to her own Labour-run executive committee as to how safe Darwen's heritage is.

I think, in all honesty, people only have to look at the Old Tech to get an answer to this question. I also asked a number of questions at this executive meeting and received some interesting answers.

I asked if dog fouling was reaching epidemic proportions in areas of Darwen.

With Blackburn with Darwen Council only having two dog wardens and a population of 140,000, I wanted to know what the council was going to do to resolve this problem.

My reply from the portfolio holder, Councillor Khan, was that there was not a problem in the borough with dog fouling and that there was no problem asking dog wardens to do surveillance to catch offenders.

With the number of complaints that I have received, I would have thought that there is a very big problem.