HAVING read the story entitled "Name change by the end of the year" (LET February 20) which refers to the intention of re-branding East Lancashire by changing its name to Pennine Lancashire, I must comment on what I feel is a complete waste of resources.

This project is described by Blackburn with Darwen council leader Kate Hollern as "something which will give a more contemporary positive image."

Apparently this will attract new people and new money to the area and at this moment the various councils concerned can't even agree on the name.

Despite this, they are already at work on the project.

Already consultants are engaged in working on the various schemes we are told. How many and costing how much?

They don't come cheap, say £300 a day each at least, and who will pay for changes in stationery, the new sign posts which will inevitably be needed to be erected we all know how fond councils are of erecting sign posts and of course the publicity which will follow.

What benefits we will get are, of course, unknown.

But while we are thinking about costs these same councillors have decided to close down many of the small libraries in Lancashire. The reason? To save money.

At the same time, these public servants are about to waste many more thousands than would keep all those libraries open.

While we are on the subject of wasting money, which bright spark decided to engage an artist to paint the mobile library vans so garishly, and how much did that cost?

There is much that needs doing in East Lancashire without re-branding exercises.

For goodness sake councillors, get your priorities right.

JAMES SAUL, Kemp Court, Whalley New Road, Blackburn.