I think it is time for a change in the planning office of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council.

Only two years ago they featured in national newspapers because they granted planning permission for Blackburn Sea Cadets to erect a new building with the proviso that it must be demolished within five years.

The reason given was that the building was not in keeping with the surrounding area. It was a modular (prefabricated) building on land adjacent to the railway track.

The result of that decision has cost the sea cadet unit, which is a charity, an extra £30,000 and a two-year delay for their new headquarters.

Now, these same planners have allowed the erection of a building in the centre of Darwen which is certainly not in keeping with the surrounding area.

The garish colours could only have been imagined by an infant and yet the council is so proud of this monstrosity that they have featured it on the cover of the council tax information sheet.

Terracotta would have been bad enough but torquoise fairly screams out against the stone facade of the old entrance. Why was it not stone-clad?

As this edifice is passed and viewed by all drivers using the A666, I think that the council planners are hoist by their own petard, a situation they should remedy immediately, never mind in five years time and at no cost to Darwen Council.

They’d better pray that Prince Charles doesn’t pass through the town. He’d be horrified at this monstrous carbuncle.

Eileen Eastham, Milton Close, Darwen.