IS democracy in Hyndburn dead? Not quite, but party politics should be put to sleep.

At the full council meeting the Chair’s casting vote was called into action yet again to devolve power away from elected members to officers.

The opposition led by myself, an Independent member, would not support this and accused the Conservative administration of dereliction of duty.

The ruling group to a man disregarded a primary function of elected members which is to represent all members of the borough to their best ability, which should include vetting actions of the borough against its residents.

Handing over this role to officers has proven to be a failed policy in the past and shows a complete disregard of their sworn statement of office.

There is an election looming, and residents should take note – if this Conservative led administration does not wish to fulfil their committed responsibility, they should move aside or individually release themselves from party whip and join the growing Independent Group, thus maintaining their integrity and where they would be allowed to fulfil their role as they see fit.

Coun David Mason Hyndburn Independents.