MANY readers have written about trees being felled. One wonders how long the trees on the old Royal Blackburn Infirmary site will last, once they start to build houses.

Once, there was a big island with a lot of trees on, at the junction of Infirmary Road and Longshaw Lane.

Residents in the area would tell of the trees on this island being left to the town for the enjoyment of the citizens, in perpetuity.

These were left by the owner of Campsie Lodge, a big house on Infirmary Road, it was said.

In the eighties, when the infirmary expanded, with a new A&E, nine tenths of those trees disappeared. Now it seems the rest are due for the chop. One reads of people getting into trouble for felling trees, yet it appears there's one law for us, and one for them.

R BRYAN, Sunnybank Road, Blackburn.