TIME is running out for people across England to defend their right to a full say on development in their area.

The Government is consulting on its Planning White Paper, with a closing date for responses of August 17.

This may sound a dry subject - in fact it is anything but. If Ministers get their way, the planning system will change and local people will have much less say about major development in their areas, including motorways, power stations, airports and incinerators.

The Government says the system needs to change so economic development can happen more quickly. Of course, the planning system can be improved, but we need a system that allows all issues - including the beauty and quality of the natural environment - be properly taken into account when decisions are made.

And we need a system that gives local people an effective say in what gets built in their area.

CPRE is part of a wide coalition calling on the Government to think again and stand up for a planning system that looks after the environment and gives people a real say.

Readers can support us by taking action through our shared website, www.planningdisaster.co.uk But we need to act fast! Use your voice, or lose your choice.

SHAUN SPIERS, Chief Executive, Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) .