WE'VE passed the last Sunday in March and clocks have been moved one hour forward, and everyone starts to put their point forward saying that we should stay with one system or another.

Well here are the reasons we change between BST and GMT: If we stayed on GMT throughout summer, the sun would be rising at 03.43 in mid-June and setting at 20.22. I, for one, would rather have that extra hour of daylight after work than whilst still asleep.

And if we stayed on BST throughout winter, it would not be coming light until 09.06 in mid-December and going dark at 16.56 and going five days a week without seeing daylight is not for me.

So let's just leave things as they are, it only takes two minutes to change the clocks to ensure we get to see some daylight every day.

ROB ORMEROD, Park Lee Road, Blackburn.